Tuesday, 20 October 2009

greeting card illustration

Here are a couple of illustrations for a book of new year cards now on sale in Japan.

年賀状のイラスト描かせていただきました、インフォレスト社プリントするだけ おしゃれ年賀状2010発売中です。

Sunday, 18 October 2009

how to trim basil

last night a group of us from the studio gathered for blac night. a night of sharing skills, performance, story telling and a meal. we made a mini animation and catherine presented her shadow puppet. we learned how to maintain your bike, how to make a flower and a box from paper, and how to trim basil so it will keep growing.

Friday, 9 October 2009

After the Rain

After the Rain

After the all day rain,
The path now blooms
With blossoms pink and white.

Rey Ventura