Saturday 29 October 2011

UK - Japan

At the end of August I started travelling back to Japan on fourteen trains, three buses and one ferry. I spent a lot of time on the train, knitting, chatting, napping and snacking. Here are some train drawings. There is a lot of land between UK and Japan. Lots of trees.

8月の終わりからイギリスから日本への旅を始めました。ドイツ、ポーランド、ウクライナからロシアのシベリア鉄道に乗り、モンゴル、中国、そして上海から大阪までのフェリーに乗って、8週間 かかりました。

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yumi, they are so lovely.
I'm so pleased you are home safe. your journey looked so amazing. so many places i have never heard of and never even imagined - thank you for sharing them with us. i hope you have wonderful memories. xx